Monday 27 June 2011

The Parts of Cells (Session 2)

The Parts of a Cell

Cells contain even smaller structures called ORGANELLES. These structures perform specific functions in the cell.

Infer; Discuss with your partner,

Do you believe the organelles of animal cells are different from plant cells? Explain your answer.

Animal and Plant Cells

Convert Animal Cell to Plant Cell

Individual activity; Construct a Cell



Answer the following questions and send them to me via e - mail or post your answers in e-class account.

1. What are two functions of the cell wall in a plant cell?

2. What are two characteristics of the membrane in a cell?

3. What kind of organelles can you find in the plant cell that are not in the animal cells?

Task 1- Compare and Contrast

Venn Diagram

Create a Venn Diagram of Plant and Animal Cells (Class Work)